Relações Públicas ECA/USP

Nesta segunda-feira participei da sétima edição do Encontro de Relacoes Publicas da ECA/USP.

A convite do Prof. Dr. Luis Alberto, participei de uma mesa com o Prof. Vinicius Romanini, com Carol Terra e mediada por Tuca Figueira.

Interessante juntar a Academia e a experiência prática de mercado em uma só discussão.

Vou colocar fotos aqui depois, mas fica meu abraço aos alunos do 1o ano de RP da ECA, que organizaram um belo evento.

Next Generation Media Quarterly

The first of a series of presentations using statistics and stories to show how the media world is evolving from day to day. Written by Dan Calladine, Head of Media Futures, Carat Global Management (and one of the best persons I’ve met in my London days at Isobar/Carat).

His blog is the Digital Examples and should be read!

London, Twitter capital of the world

Originally published on Isobar Social Media blog

BBC’s Newsnight featured an interview with Twitter founder Ev Williams as pièce de resistance of a special feature about Twitter.

Among the basic facts explained in the story a surprise: London remains the top Twitter-using city in the world, one year after the fact was first mentioned.

Being featured in such a high-viewed program will prompt Twitter more and more into the public eye, also giving more respectability to the service already widely used in tabloids and as a source of embarrassment for celebrities.

The complete story, as reported by TechCrunch Europe, is here and the YouTube clip follows.

Also, the BBC uploaded the Ev interview

Fireworks vs Bonfire – Advertising vs Social Media

A cool presentation try to explain once again the difference between traditional advertising (digital or offline) and Social Media.

Not taking sides, but showing that they’re different – and can work together!

First seen in

Multiply tries to catch-up

I’ve just received a newsletter from my long forgotten account with Multiply, the Microsoft-backed social network site (SNS) that was regarded, in 2006, as the MySpace killer.

Once a very popular SNS, Multiply was rapidly surpassed by the Facebook avalanche, the MySpace musical boom and wave after wave of social apps such as Twitter and

It’s heavy secured, heavy programed, heavy to load. But it’s still there, and now plans a comeback. In their highly informative newsletter they explain how innovative it is now to post your updates from Twitter, Facebook and other places inside your firewalled profile.

They even are gentle enough to explain how you can save space to post entire URL’s to that narrow 140 character limit you got from those grumpy APIs. Isn’t that nice?

Read what they have to say. Do you still remember your Multiply login?

Multiply's 140 character 101

New on Multiply:
Twitter and Facebook Cross-Posting

Multiply members no longer have to choose between sharing securely with the people they know and extending the audience for their media. Now you can have the best of both worlds, sharing your content all over the Internet without having to visit another service to do it.

Set-up is easy: simply check the “Twitter” or “Facebook” box when posting content to Multiply and we’ll walk you through the process. Once you’ve done that, cross-posting to these services when sharing on Multiply is just a simple checkbox away. You can even cross-post a Multiply QuickNote to let people on these services know what you’re doing!

Owing to these services’ limitations, we made sure to include something sure to make even the most 140-character-limit-savvy sharer happy: our very own built-in URL shortener – – so that your posts always link back to the original content on Multiply. Don’t worrying about accidentally going over these services’ character limits, either… we’re watching out for you.

If you happen to know anyone who uses those services, but doesn’t use Multiply, let them know they can now take advantage of Multiply’s full-service media solution (share safely, store permanently, create beautiful photo products) while still sharing with the contacts they already have on Facebook and Twitter.

» Set up cross-posting today and get sharing
Tell us what you think (and save!)
Over the years, we’ve had great opportunities to get to know many Multiply members, both via our interactions with them though customer service, as well as through the content they share in groups.

Now, we’d like to get to know everyone, and have put together a survey to help us better understand the people using Multiply, including their interests and feelings on a wide range of subjects. If you’d take the survey, we’d greatly appreciate it… and will extend to you a coupon for 50% off the purchase of a Multiply Photo Book!

O fim da Social Media?

Meu grande amigo Eric Messa, professor da FAAP e um dos grandes teóricos em comunicação digital no país, postou uma provocação muito interessante em seu blog, aproveitando o gancho do Social Media Brasil – encontro que acontece no próximo fim de semana em São Paulo, promoção da Media Education (do @Formagio).

Será necessário um departamento/equipe/especialista em Social Media nas agências? ou este pensamento já está devidamente integrado ao DNA criativo e planejador do nosso mercado? Obviamente sou suspeito para responder – mas tendo feito exatamente isto pelos últimos quatro anos, minha opinião é de que sim, somos necessários ainda… e o seremos por muito tempo ainda.

Andando um pouco para trás na linha do tempo, vemos que o Planejamento como o conhecemos surgiu na Inglaterra, no final da década de 60, e também era considerado uma novidade a ser absorvida pelos colegas de Jon Steel e cia. O próprio departamento de Mídia se tornou independente por volta da mesma época – se o que conta o seriado “Mad Men” está correto 😉

De qualquer maneira, daqui de Londres – e prestes a iniciar um trabalho específico de integração de Social Media em um dos maiores grupos de comunicação do planeta – só posso dizer que temos um loooongo caminho pela frente. Não estamos aqui para roubar atenção, verba ou talentos de ninguém. Repito sempre que somos parte do processo e estamos no time para ajudar.

Leia o post do e-code, do ótimo Eric Messa,

Por Jeff Paiva.